Monday, April 11, 2011


This morning it came! The skies blackened and even the birds got quiet. Something was surely "up".
The rumbling began and the "belly-whompers" followed. The rain slashed through our world and we can all realize that SPRING has indeed arrived! Or at least, MUD SEASON!
Our little brook has overflowed and flooded our meadow. The local river, the Wild Ammonosuc, looks like something from the far west. There's definitely "white water" there, although it is a muddy brown from all the debris it has picked up. The water is HIGH, and with snow still left all around, I know it will get higher if we get another rain storm like that one.
At any rate, it won't be long before the mud dries up and we can all get out in the garden
Remember DO NOT dig in your garden until the soil is dry enough to crumble when you make a mud-pie! If it hangs together like that pie you formed? It's too soon to work the soil. Be patient! That's another meaning for the word, "GARDENER"!


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