Friday, November 03, 2006


Now that the gardening year (outside) is over, it's time to think about the birds. You'll notice I have added Duncraft to my list of advertisers. I hope if you're needing supplies for feeding your feathered friends, you might consider going to that website and getting yourself some quality stuff. I've used Duncraft for years and really like it. If you don't feel like searching in my side bar, here's a link to Duncraft you can use. Their items also make wonderful Christmas Gifts!
The other thing I have been doing for almost 20 years, is participating in the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology Feeder Watch. It's a great way to find out what birds, and how many, frequent your feeders all winter.
This year, Cornell is looking for more FeederWatchers. If you think this is something you might like to do, here is their little press release.

"Project FeederWatch needs your help to keep track of the birds at your
feeders this winter. Count birds as often as two days each week from
November 11 to April 6. Your counts will help scientists monitor changes
in feeder bird populations. New participants receive a research kit with
easy to follow instructions, the Feeder Watcher's handbook, a
bird-identification poster, a calendar, and a subscription to the
newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (U.S.) or Bird Studies
Canada (Canada). For more information or to sign up in the U.S., please
visit or call (800) 843-2473; if in
Canada, please visit or call
(888) 448-2473. A $15 fee ($35 in Canada) makes the program possible."

I hope you'll consider doing this. I think it's a wonderful way to continue with our great outdoors all through the winter.


At November 23, 2006, Blogger Justin said...

Hey, thanks for this information.
I can get over there to do some good work!
And hey, you too can check out this post on my avian companion n njoy!!

God bless


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