Wednesday, February 07, 2007


It's time to think about bringing some branches from flowering shrubs and trees inside and force them into bloom for everyones enjoyment!
The best ones are forsythia and witch hazel. These can sometimes be convinced to bloom in as little as a weeks time! If you're willing to wait up to 4 weeks, try apple and, or cherry. Then for a really long, 5 weeks wait, for the truly patient gardener, try lilacs.
It's not hard at all. Essentially, you cut the branches, stick them in a big vase with some water, stand back and wait for the blooms. However, there are some extra things you can try that will simplify and guarantee the whole process, so do go to this web site, at the NH Extension for all kinds of information on how to do this forcing business properly.


At February 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NCMG...Please help me...I have a cherry tree that has been strangled by a vine where the branches leave the trunk...I beleive the trunk and root system are viable but the branches are dead...What can I do to stimulate new branching from the trunk..of course I removed the vine...Thanks...John I


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