Thursday, September 06, 2007


Oh, what a delightful drive I had today!
On my way home from Hanover, NH, I decided to take the River Road. I've passed this little road a million times, but I always seemed to be in a rush, or my husband balked, or something. Today, I was alone; the "big guy" was at a meeting; and I had a ton of time on my hands. So, when River Road appeared, the car just turned all by itself and entered a bit of paradise! Why hadn't I done this before???
This little country road runs next to the Connecticut River for probably 10+ miles or so. I'd say the river was visible from the road at least 80 percent of the time. Most of the homes there were lovely, some with lovely gardens, I might add! There was a short stretch of road that was not paved. For a few minutes I thought I might run into a dead end, but that didn't happen. After a mile or so, it was paved again. There were a few single lane bridges and a small covered bridge that I crossed.
Oh, I'm so happy I live in the North Country and can take such pleasant drives. I just wish I'd done this one sooner.


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