There's a skim of snow on everything. The little ponds are frozen over. The river has ice collars around all the stones, and where the water flow is really slow, there's even ice on the river. Winter is here.
It's time to move from the ground to the air above it and begin to fill feeders and encourage the birds to come to our yard. The bear, hopefully, is tucked away in his cave..or wherever it is s/he spends the winter. There are deer everywhere and woodland birds are lurking about.
It's time for me to spend more time on the book I'm working on. Hopefully a publisher will find it attractive.
My husband is asleep in his recliner, in front of the TV watching (I use that term loosely) football. I always feel sorry for all the bench warming players. They must be frozen!
I won't be posting to this blog as frequently as usual now. It's just not gardening time! I will post the monthly jobs to do around the garden. They continue even in winter. If there's anything that I find especially interesting, I'll post that as well.
Anyway, come visit when you have a minute. Maybe you'll find something fun or useful!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving where-ever you celebrate it!