Saturday, May 14, 2005

At Play in the Fields of the Bronx - New York Times

Here's a great article about inner city kids and how they are being given a chance to enjoy some gardening space. In some cases it's just a small space, in others it's larger. At Play in the Fields of the Bronx - New York Times
I can remember when my children were just little guys, my garden was NOT a sacred place. If the ball escaped into the garden, it didn't trouble me if they went in for it. If something got stepped on in the process, so be it. If the plants couldn't stand up to my kids, that plant didn't deserve to be there. Obviously, they didn't abuse that. I think they enjoyed the gardens as much as I did, nothing was ever "tromped" on. They went into the garden with care and respect for all that grew there.
To garden is to learn what wonderful things can come of digging in the the dirt and planting things. Our children have a lot to learn from gardening. Are you giving YOUR kids that opportunity?
Let us know here what YOU do to encourage your children to be better stewards of the land.


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