OK, so you've either just moved to a home with overgrown, neglected blueberry bushes. Or perhaps you just plain don't have a clue what to do with them, so you've neglected them and just watched them grow, picking whatever berries come your way.
They need to be pruned, when they are you AND the bush will be happier. However, it's September (actually, not until tomorrow) and they are to be pruned in the spring...what can you do now?
Well, a couple of things.
1. You can remove dead and diseased branches.
2. You can get a soil test done so you can feed them properly.
3. If you have pine trees, you can put tons of pine needles around them as mulch!
4. You can study up, so when spring comes you'll know what to do!
I'm sorry not all of these book offerings have pictures available, but the titles should be self explanatory. You can also just click on the links and you'll be taken to a synopsis of the book. Give it a try!
You could also pick up some pruners and loppers. Click on the Gardeners Supply link and ask for Pruners and loppers and check out those tools.

You are so right. Pruning blueberries really pays off. I wrote about pruning mine here and the payoff here. A friend recently gave me the Cornell Guide to Growing Fruit at Home. You can find similar advice for Blueberries on this Cornell page.
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