Monday, November 28, 2005


So, here I go...I begin with my project of planning a course on the "AGING GARDENER". Any time I attempt to define a concept, I always start by defining the words I use, so..
AGE means: 1) the length of time a thing has existed. that what I mean?
How about: 2) the latter period of a natural term of existence?
or how about: 3) to mature? I like that one.
As my eye wandered over the dictionary page it fell on "ag-ile": meaning quick and well-coordinated. Hey, that's what I USED to be!!!
My eyes also fell on "agast": meaning struck with shock, amazement or horror. That's what I am nowadays when I venture out to my garden and realize I just haven't got what it takes anymore.
SO, there you have it...the ages of a gardener. Having been "agile"; beginning to "age"; and then being "agast" when the old body just doesn't work quite right anymore!
I realize I cannot turn the clock back. I can't make my body agile once again, but I don't want to be agast either. HOW am I going to deal with that garden that has given me such joy throughout my life? There MUST be a way!
That's what this course is going to be about. I will write my thoughts as they come to me, and then pull them all together to come up with a syllabus.
I am beginning to get some comments from gardeners who are traveling this road as well.
For instance, tonight I heard from a gardener who says he goes NOWHERE in the garden without a 5 gallon pail he can turn upside down to use as a prop to get him back on his feet. What a GREAT idea! Keep those thoughts coming!

Saturday, November 26, 2005


I haven't written for a bit because of the holiday AND the fact that we were spending some time with family. However, today it seems only appropriate that I should write something here.
We got about 5 inches of snow over the Thanksgiving holiday! Everything is beautiful and white. I can say this now. In March, my comments will be otherwise I'm sure!!!
Anyway, seeing the snow created a flurry of activity. There were, as usual, a few chores I neglected to get to. Sure we had warnings about winter. There were the usual minimal snowfalls, but they were just teasers. Just like a lot of gardeners, I refused to believe that this could actually get to the point where we had to SHOVEL!
So, here I am, praying that we'll get a warm spell that will melt the snow and allow me to continue with all seriousness the matter of preparing my garden for winter. So, don't feel bad if you forgot a few pre-winter gardening chores! It happens to all of us. Promise yourself you'll remember next year. Then let's see what happens then! :-)

Monday, November 14, 2005


The other day my husband asked if I was going to leave the plants from the summer up...or cut them down.
I usually leave them up for winter "interest". Not only that, the birds appreciate the flower seeds that are clinging to those dead flower heads. I often see the birds checking them out before they are totally covered with snow drifts.
My perennial bed is close enough to our country road that the plow also seems to find that piles of snow fit quite nicely over my garden bed. I don't think that's necessarily wonderful for the garden, except it does provide melting snow in the spring.
"There's nothing so bad, it isn't good for something," is what my mother used to say quite often. It applies to your garden as well! I try to keep it all as natural as possible. When I say I tend to be a "lazy gardener" that's what I mean! Let nature help in any way you can.

Thursday, November 03, 2005



Now's the time to plant paperweight narcissus(indoors) for beautiful color
and aroma on New Year's Day!

If you've had enough freezing days to render the ground hard,
begin to mulch roses and other shrubs, etc.

Putting wire guards on the bases of tree trunks will prevent mouse

Wrap plants in burlap for winter protection. Do NOT use plastic!
They can't breathe any better inside plastic than you can.

If you haven't fertilized your lawn or garden yet, now's the time!

Any questions about November?