Monday, November 14, 2005


The other day my husband asked if I was going to leave the plants from the summer up...or cut them down.
I usually leave them up for winter "interest". Not only that, the birds appreciate the flower seeds that are clinging to those dead flower heads. I often see the birds checking them out before they are totally covered with snow drifts.
My perennial bed is close enough to our country road that the plow also seems to find that piles of snow fit quite nicely over my garden bed. I don't think that's necessarily wonderful for the garden, except it does provide melting snow in the spring.
"There's nothing so bad, it isn't good for something," is what my mother used to say quite often. It applies to your garden as well! I try to keep it all as natural as possible. When I say I tend to be a "lazy gardener" that's what I mean! Let nature help in any way you can.


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