I've been making notes on my Gardening Seminar on the Awakened Garden. I'm really looking forward to this presentation. It should be fun to help gardeners relax and feel good about their gardens and what they are doing there.
I think one of the most wonderful things to do in your garden is to relax and enjoy it. I accomplish this frequently by taking a walk from one end of the garden to the other. Depending on what I find to do there, it takes between 10 minutes and an hour. It's a time to reconnect and just deal with very tiny, little issues. I don't need to be in gardening togs. All I need to take along is my pruning shears, a trowel and my gardening gloves ON my hands. Although I must admit, often I take that walk without benefit of any of those. I always regret leaving them in the garage though because I come back with dirty hands, grubby fingernails and having had to leave some obvious little tasks for another time.
It's a time to see how everything is growing. Is there a broken branch on the lilac? Snip it off! Has a new weed sprung up between the daffodil leaves? Yank it out! Are the lilies coming up strong and prolific? Enjoy their presence!
I talk to my plants. I encourage them like a mom. I help them deal with small issues before they become large. I "neaten up" their environment. I watch the bees collect pollen. I enjoy the occasional hummingbird flitting around. I jump and then smile when a toad or snake surprises me. I am so happy to see them in the garden because I know they are among my biggest helpers. I am disappointed to see something there fail. When that happens I pull it out and go on.
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