Monday, May 10, 2010


I have found out what a foot of snow does to daffodils. The daffodils were beautiful before the snow last week. Then they were decimated! I thought that was that, I'd had my daffodil show for the year, but lo and behold! They pulled themselves up to their feet and looked fairly good after all!
As is my wont to do, I picked some of the best ones and brought them in for my dining room table. They were beautiful! I have found that daffodils are among the longest lasting cut flowers. These on the other hand only last for about two days before sagging. Hmmm... I would guess they expended so much energy pulling themselves up onto their feet that there was nothing left to draw from for being a cut flower. Sadly, I'm having to toss them in the compost after a day or two.


At May 14, 2010, Anonymous Nursery Industry said...

This is nice an excellent blog post

At May 14, 2010, Blogger North Country Maturing Gardener said...

Thank you!


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