The North Country Maturing Gardener lives, gardens and ages gracefully (we can only hope!) in Northern New Hampshire. She was certified as a Master Gardener in Connecticut and now, New Hampshire. Aging however, brings limitations...hence the internet vs. the digging! :-) So, come visit and have the North Country Maturing Gardener (NCMG) answer your gardening questions on line!
I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but this winter will have a devastating effect on your garden!
That is the mantra of the folks using the Internet. I am trying hard to do just that. For all of the folks who come and read my blog, it's free. True, I do mention that a donation would be nice, but I don't push that at all.
Today, I have a guest blog posting. It's from the National Museum of Crime and Punishment. Perhaps that appears to be a strange place to hear about the Cherry Blossom Festival...but, here it is!
We went out for pizza tonight. On the way home I couldn't help but be aware that it is really cold, and there is very little if any snow cover. That's not a great thing for our plants, trees and shrubs. The snow provides a layer of insulation...and protection from drying wind.
Have you been counting birds for the Great Backyard Bird Count? It is fun and helpful to the birding community. Since you're gardeners, you know how important birds are to the whole gardening picture. They are beautiful to see. They eat harmful insects. They sound like a most delightful, cacophony in the garden. They pollinate flowers... on and on.
Whoops! Sorry! I forgot to post February's chores... Here they are!
I KNOW it's the wrong month to be thinking about bulb planting...BUT... I just found a great link that is like a zone map, but it tells you when to plant what bulbs in your area. It also tells you what bulbs to plant and HOW. It's a neat link! I'll put in in my "September Chores" list, but, hey! It's February, and what gardener isn't itching to learn something new to apply to the garden...even if it IS the wrong time of the year??? :-)
Oh gosh! That "cabin fever" is really getting intense. In case you're getting impatient about Garden or Flower Shows, here is the list of New England Shows. They will be starting SOON!