Saturday, October 29, 2005


I will be teaching a course at the Dartmouth ILEAD (Institute for Lifelong Learning at Dartmouth) program on THE AGING GARDENER.
I have begun to search for material to include. This will be a course essentially for those with "creaks, pains and canes"! It is quite amazing how little seems to be available on this subject. Maybe I should write a book?
At any rate, I would hope any of you aging, or handicapped, gardeners out there might tell me some of the things you have done, or used, to make your gardening easier. There is nothing as good as tried and true methods.
As I go along, I'll tell you about some of the things I have found. I'd love it if you could learn from this as well.


At October 30, 2005, Blogger OldRoses said...

I have arthritis in my hands. I've found that tools with padded handles to be a real blessing. They are easier for me to grip and the padding adds a necessary cushion.

At October 30, 2005, Blogger North Country Maturing Gardener said...

Thanks "oldroses", I've put your comments into my class folder. I'm looking forward to this class. I'm sure I'll learn a lot and hopefully, be able to share a lot.

At October 31, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A subject near and dear to my heart. Try doing a Google search for "adaptive garden tools" or "adaptive gardening". I pulled up a couple of links for you, but there are tons more.

At November 04, 2005, Blogger North Country Maturing Gardener said...

Thank you! I'll check them out!

At November 05, 2005, Blogger North Country Maturing Gardener said...

Gabrielle! I went to your recommended sites, and they are WONDERFUL! Thank you so much!

At November 20, 2005, Blogger Susan Harris said...

I recommend changing tasks regularly. For example, I limit my weeding to 20 minutes, do something else (more upright) then come back to do some more.
And I now pay people to move my mulch delivery for me. They hand the containers of mulch to me and I put it on my beds myself, however, because I don't trust anyone else to do it.

At November 21, 2005, Blogger North Country Maturing Gardener said...

Also good recommendations. Thanks so much!


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