Friday, August 22, 2008


Fall is definitely coming.
As I go outside and wander around the garden there are wild blueberries that are wonderfully ripe and plentiful. They keep me vitalized...I keep wandering back to that heavily laden bush! Why is it that in order to get lots of berries on my cultivated blueberry bushes I have to prune them in the spring, yet the wild ones that are totally ignored yield prolifically?
The amaryllis that I sank into the garden is looking beautiful. I hate to dig up the pot and begin to dry it out so it dies back. It somehow seems sad to do that. However, I know that in order for me to have those wonderful blossoms at Christmas time, I have to do it.
The daylilies are needing constant dead-heading. Oh, well.
Yesterday when I was out there I saw a tiny little snake. He was black and less than a width of a pencil. He was no longer than a pencil either. Actually, he was pretty cute. No way I would catch him but I enjoyed watching him slither across the stones. At the same time there was a little tiny toad hopping almost under my feet. I love seeing all these little guys! They are helpful in the garden eating up nasty bugs. I'm happy they are here!
Gardener's Supply Company


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