Here's a list of VERY BASIC gardening vocabulary words. Take a look at them. Do you have any corrections? Or additions of words you feel should be included in a BASIC list? This list is from "A" to "F". I'll complete the list over the next few posts.
Gardening Vocabulary
This is the most basic vocabulary you'll ever need. If you want something that isn't here, you'll have to get it from a standard dictionary or gardening book.
• aeration-supplying the soil with air in one way or another.
• alpine- a plant native to alpine regions
• annuals- a plant that completes it's life cycle in one growing season
• biennials- continuing or lasting for two years; or growing leaves and roots during the first year, then fruiting and dying during the second
• brambles- usually prickly shrubs including the raspberries and blackberries
• bulbs- a plant developing from a bulb
• compost- a mixture that consists largely of decayed organic matter and is used for fertilizing and conditioning land
• corms- A short thick solid food-storing underground stem, sometimes bearing papery scale leaves, as gladiolus
• cultivate- To loosen or dig soil around growing plants
• dead-heading- Removing old flowers during the growing season to encourage the development of new flowers and to prevent seed formation. Deadheading also improves the appearance of the garden. On the down side, removing seed heads may also mean depriving seed-eating birds of a favorite food—and depriving the gardener of the company of the birds.
• division- A type of propagation characteristic of plants that spread by means of newly formed parts such as bulbs, suckers, or rhizomes.
• evergreens- having foliage that remains green and functional through the winter. It does NOT die back.
• fertilizer- a substance (either organic or chemical) used to make soil more fertile
• forcing- to bring plants to maturity out of the normal season, as in forcing lilies for Easter
• frost- the temperature that causes freezing, and hence the death of tender plants.
• fungus- plants that lack chlorophyll and include molds, rusts, mildews, smuts, mushrooms, and yeast
What a great list! I'm sending this to my Mom as she's just starting to get into gardening.
If you're up to it, how about a "more advanced vocabulary" post sometime? I'd love a list of usual Latin words or fragments and their meaning (i.e. "alba/albo - indicates that a plant has a white flower or leaf variegation")... and maybe some plant botany, too (i.e. the definition of what people mean by alternate/opposite leaves, leaf nodes, etc.)
Great! I'm thinking of doing a book for STARTING gardeners and the publisher is not sure that's a good idea. Your comment reassures me that maybe it is!
I'd suggest adding "dormant" to the list... meaning not actively growing, such as in the winter. And "dirt", as in when you bring soil inside and get it on the carpet, that is dirt, otherwise, plants are planted in soil (not dirt). And, maybe unfortunately "drought" when less than normal rainfall occurs over an extended period of time.
I think it is a good idea to have a list of words for beginning gardeners.
I'm glad you didn't put "bush" on the list. I hate when people call "shrubs" "bushes"!
Thank you Carol!
I will add "dormant" to the final list!
I agree with you about the use of "dirt" and "soil". You'll notice, "dirt" does NOT appear. Soil is listed with the "s" words; as is "shrub". They will appear in a few days.
I think most people will understand the word "drought". I am trying to limit the list to as few words as possible.
amendment? as in soil?
Good one PatL! I've added amendment (soil), to my final list.
How's about "bolt"? I've had a few visitors come to my blog because they were trying to find out what it means when a plant bolts. Great list!
Another wonderful addition! I've now added "bolt" to my final list.
Thank you all for your encouragement! I can't wait to show it to my publisher!!!
Gardening vocabulary is really relevant for kids and newbies.Just like any other activity terminology and their specific senses are equally pertinent for gardening also.I appreciate your efforts and it is uite useful indeed.
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